Friday, September 13, 2013

Featured Guest Friday: Megan

Hi guys! It's been such a busy week that I haven't gotten the chance to blog. Also, I've been wearing the same shirt like everyday... So you weren't missing much. Anyways, I wanted to start having featured guest posts on my blog. Here's one of my oldest and closest friends, Megan. She won best dressed in high school. So yeah, she's kind of a big deal. And I'm always jealous of what she wears. She's got great style.
 Also SHE'S PREGNANT. Enjoy! 
Pants: H&M // Shirt: Forever 21 // Jacket: Thrifted // Bag: Fossil // Shoes,Bracelet,Scarf: Target

 So, for those, Summer-is-pretty-much-the-worst, Fall-rules, people out there: I'm your girl. There's something about the colors, the smells, the perfect crisp weather, that makes my heart so happy. And, not to mention, PUMPKIN SPICE (or Pumpkin anything for that matter). But above all, I get most excited about Fall fashion! I love being able to throw on a pair of pants, a comfy shirt, a big scarf and some cute accessories. There's nothing quite like the feeling. A lot of people don't think of shoes as accessories, but they totally are! Shoes will be some of the best assets to your wardrobe during Fall. You can choose to go with a flat, or loafer like I have on above, to lengthen the legs and direct focus on the torso. Flats (or booties!) are also great for experimenting with a cuff on the pant, which adds another element to your outfit. If you choose not to go with a flat, there is the wonderful world of endless adorable boots! Your boot choice can be either complimentary to an outfit (a neutral shade, or a color within the same scheme as the rest of your outfit), or the star of the show (think glitter, sparkle, or a crazy color/pattern)- which are both fun to pull of! There are endless possibilities. Also, since it's not Winter, you don't have to worry about footwear for walking in snow, hats that ruin your nicely curled hair by the time you take them off, or large coats for bundling your whole body up because you're FREEZING 100% of the time. This is your chance to pull out the cutest styles, without a whole lot of effort!
I'm one of those people who desires comfort through fashion- and trust me, it CAN be achieved. I don't want to settle for sweat pants (besides the entire time I'm in my own house), but I'd rather not destroy my body for the sake of looking "good." And this is another reason why Fall is my absolute favorite. You can find comfortable pieces, without having to worry about weather too much because it's that perfect in-between to Summer and Winter. In terms of clothing, Winter involves too much, and Summer doesn't involve enough. But hey, that's just my opinion.
Before I get too ahead of myself, I do want to say that regardless of which season is YOUR season, there's nothing like that feeling you get thinking about it; experiencing it. Much like clothing, and style in general, it's all about how you feel in the things you own. If you try something on and don't love it, NEVER buy it. You will always regret it. Hopefully, WEATHER (haha, see what I did there...!? It's ok.. you don't have to laugh at my corniness) you like Fall or not, you all enjoy the season change upon us, and do something a little different than you're used to in terms of style! You just might find that you look fabulous in a look you never would have tried before. New season, new attitude. Good luck!

Friday, September 6, 2013

white girl got some curves

 Jacket: Gap (similar) // Shirt: Jcrew // Shorts: Jcrew (similar) // Belt: Thrifted // Shoes: Converse // Watch: Fossil

Okay, I'm here to address two things today on the blog: 

First thing. Its after labor day and I'm wearing mainly white. So suck on that to whoever made up that rule. And also, this is a victory because I wore this all day and didn't spill anything on it. Believe me, I had a lot of opportunities between eating spaghetti for lunch and drinking about 4 cups of coffee today to add some stain to it. So I do deserve some kind of award, right?

Second thing. Not sure if you've seen this article floating around...I think that it might be a little dated. But I can't help but think about how important it is to promote healthiness. Women are beautiful. With curves or without. Tall or short, we were created to be lovely beings. But if you're trying to be beautiful by going to drastic measures, its not worth it. You'll never be satisfied with your looks. I love Christina Hendricks. I think she's just stunning. I've read some articles interviewing her and she talks a lot about just being healthy and happy and embracing her curves. I think that beauty doesn't really just come from a size on the back of your jeans, but more from the confidence you give out. 

**Comparison is the thief of joy. - Theodore Roosevelt** 


Monday, September 2, 2013

basically it's pretty basic.

Jeans: Madewell via JCrew (similar) // V Neck: Target // Sneakers: Converse // Watch: Fossil // Necklace: Handmade (similar)

As much as I love to wear dresses and pretty stuff, this is typically my everyday look. I love feeling comfortable and casual. But I think that's more of my style anyways. 

Also, I have the legs of a junior high girl. But its ok, I've finally accepted that. Also, filters on camera phones make me feel way better about taking blog pictures instead of using a real camera. I know, I'm THAT person (Sorry to all my photographer friends). 

Ok, I'm done writing. It's labor day, people. This is too much work. 
*goes back to watching the office*


Sunday, August 25, 2013


I try and keep my blog posts pretty happy and sweet for the most part. But lately I've been feeling weighed down by my emotions and sometimes you just gotta get it out. So basically, if you're not interested in things getting real heavy around here, then this is your queue to leave. 

Change (\ˈchānj\) : to make different in some particular : alter; to make radically different :transform to give a different position, course, or direction to

I am definitely not one to adapt well to change. I actually hate it. If I could, I would stomp my feet until I could have things done my way and and how I like them. Am I being mature? No. But honest? Yes. I can't go with the flow. Or take things as they come. I like things to be planned out and I like to know exactly what is going to happen. I know, I'm not very exciting. So change has never been my friend. Especially if its not change that I'm actually contributing. 

I just don't do well with change. I don't. For instance, when I turned 18, I literally cried on my bed all afternoon because I was upset that I was becoming an adult. It was a rough birthday. I guess most kids use this new freedom to go out and buy cigarettes or porn, but I just moped around and watched Peter Pan because I felt like he was the only person that understood me. In the last few months, I've been dealing with a lot of change. Most of my friends are either engaged/happily married, moving, or go to college. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm so happy for all of the people in my life that are growing and experiencing new adventures. 

I fee like I'm being left behind even though I know that my time for an adventure isn't quite ready yet. In the last few months, I've been really struggling with this cloud of depression. I think I do a pretty good job of hiding it from a lot of people. Keeping a happy face and saying "I'm doing great". But everyday is such a struggle to be happy and feel fulfilled. Most days, all I want to do it drive to a hotel far away and stay in a room and hide from everyone and everything. But I know that's not a solution even though I want it to be. I struggle to be present on a daily basis. I'm always worrying about the future and concerned about the "what ifs" from the past. I'm a control freak and I never knew that until now. 

So I hope at least this far in my post you have noticed that I've dyed my hair red. Yeah, its not a huge deal. But its a big thing for me. I've always kept my hair blonde. From Gwen Stacy to Mary Jane. It was a change that I wasn't sure I would like, but wanted to have. It's my change. No one else can control this but me. 

Life would be comfortable if I stayed in my hometown where I would have safety and security in basically every aspect of my life. But I know I wont be truly happy if I do. So here's to change. Even though she can be a bitch. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I was never scholarly.

Dress: H&M (Old) // Chambray: Target // Necklace: Francesca's // Shoes: Chinese Laundry // Bag: Gap

I realized I wear this dress more than I think I do. I mean I already blogged it like 2 (here & here) other times and I haven't blogged for very long...It's been in my closet for years, and I guess it really is a staple that's been around for a while. 

I feel like this outfit is very "back to school". But if you know me, you know that I'm not really a school person. My senior year in high school, I probably skipped school more than I attended. Obviously a pro. And I'm basically Ferris Bueller. I remember pretending to be my mom and calling in sick. But instead of taking a trip to the city, I just went to target. Also, can we talk about Sloane's jacket in that movie? I mean. Perfect. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Clear Eyes, Cute Shoes, Can't lose.

Chambray: Target // Jeans: J. Crew Factory // Shoes: New York & Co (on sale!) // Watch: Fossil

I have been searching far and wide for the perfect chambray. And of all places Target would have it. I don't know why it took so long for me to figure that out. It fits well and matches everything. It's definitely become a staple in my closet. 

Let me just be another annoying person that says "I can't believe summer is almost over!" But for real. Its going by so quickly. But on the plus side, this means all of my favorite tv shows will be back soon or have already started! Breaking Bad anyone!? I wont spoil the premier for you if you haven't seen it yet, BUT IT WAS SO GOOD. So if you haven't started it yet, then where are your priorities? 

Oh this is my new mantra: 
"Clear Eyes, Cute Shoes, Can't Lose"
But seriously, got these bright loafers the other week for $10 at NY and Co. Go! They might be there still!   

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Will I be the girl with the dragon tattoo....on her face?

Dress: H&M (old) // Jacket: Gap // Belt: Thrifted // Scarf: Target (old) // Shoes: Chinese Laundry (similar)

Okay. So I totally haven't been able to find the charger for my camera (typical). So these past posts have been used with an iPhone. I'M REALLY SORRY YOU GUYS. Who knows, maybe one day I'll get my act together and actually be a normal, functioning adult. But today, I'm gonna go get an iced coffee and binge watch LA Ink. My priorities are really in place. Maybe next post, I'll have a really cool dragon tattooed to my face though? Someone watch me so I don't let me make rash decisions.

Monday, August 5, 2013

4. Bon Look Glasses// Bonnie & Clyde

How was your weekend? I spent my sunday night eating Ben & Jerry's (favorite!) and watching LA Ink while I online window shopped. I know, I know, I'm livin' the dream you guys. Try not to be too jealous. Also, these glasses. I mean. I have perfect 20/20 vision. But I have no shame. 

Also, incase you're having the monday blues like I am, watch this. I literally could not stop laughing. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Stripes and a jean jacket.

Jacket: Gap // Dress: American Eagle // Boots: Target // Bracelet: Francesca's 

So I've beens sitting here trying to find something witty and exciting to say. But its about 10 AM and I haven't had coffee yet. I just got this bracelet the other day and I'm really digging it. I usually don't wear bracelets because I have the dangling of it and I always end of taking them off. But this one is small, simple and I like it. Also, you guys get the privilege to see my favorite mug. I'm not much for words today. So happy weekend, y'all! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Reasons why I quit.

I've been staring at the screen for a while. Wondering what I should say. Not because I have nothing to say, but because I have to much to say. Verbal vomit I guess. I quit blogging for a lot of different reasons. In my head, I tell myself its because I'm too busy. But that's a lie. I basically come home from work everyday around 4 and watch tv (just finished Game of Thrones. Somebody, lets talk about it!). So yeah, I guess I'm "busy". But really, I have time to take pictures of myself and write things. Even though its a pain in the ass to do when you have no one to take them. But I have time. 

I struggle with inadequacy. Not being good enough. Maybe I don't match my clothes right, or maybe the fit doesn't look good. I want to say that I don't care what people think of me. But once again, that's a lie. I care so much of what people think of me that I have sat on the bathroom floor, hysterically crying because I was intimidated of what the people were going to think when I arrived at a party. When it comes to superhero powers, I always wanted the power of  hearing peoples thoughts. Like Matt Parkman from Heroes. I guess that makes sense, because I would want to hear there thoughts about me and try and change myself so they would be happy. Ha! How pathetic is that? But its true. I want to be good enough. 

I'm afraid of what you'll know about me. Not that I have some secret identity. I'm not that cool, people. More like I'm afraid that you'll know too much about me and that you'll be disappointed. I'm not very clever or funny. I'm not poetic or creative. I'm an average person that likes to pretend that I'm more than what I am. I like Taco Bell and wearing cute clothes. That's it. Well, I'm more than just retail and fast food restaurants. But you get it, I hope. 

So if your sitting in your car, crying because your day sucked and JT's Mirrors is playing on the radio, then I feel you. And I hope we can be friends. And if you feel like you're not enough. You are. I'm finding ways to show myself my own value. Most days, I don't see anything. But I'm thankful to have loving people in my life to encourage me. Thanks for reading these words. Also, if you need a good song to blast when you need a pick me up, play this song from the Foo Fighters. Its great. And its all that I've been listening to this week.  

Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekly Wants

1. Union Station Tote Bag
2. Butter London // Trout Pout

I don't know what to say, except that I want all of these. Which is a silly thing to say, because I wouldn't post them if I didn't want them. What I do know what to say is that green blazer. I mean seriously! I'm not a huge blazer person, but I could be for that green one.  I'm hoping to buy the bib necklace too for a upcoming wedding that I'll be in.

Happy Tuesday! Only three more days till the weekend!

The Lindsay Weir Jacket.

 Jacket: Gap // Shirt: Loft // Shorts: American Eagle (old) // Shoes: Target // Bag: Gap

Lately, this jacket has been everything to me. I know, sounds dramatic to say that a piece of clothing is everything. I think I love it so much because I feel like I'm turning into Lindsay Weir every time I wear it. If you haven't seen Freaks and Geeks, then get to it. Even though its only one season, I feel like it changed my life. Okay, maybe not. But I mean, who wouldn't want to see Jason Segal playing love songs on his guitar?  I feel like if all you get out of this post is that you should watch Freaks and Geeks, then my work here is done. 

Tyra Banks, call me? 

photo credit: Eléna Potter

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Did you guys know that I have children?

Jacket: Gap // Button Up: Target // Jeans: Gap // Boots: Sperry (my sister's) // Clutch: Gap // Necklace: Calista Grand 

Did you guys know I have children? Sike! I don't have children. But my dogs are basically my children. I'm starting to realize that I'm the equivalent to a crazy cat person. But I think society will accept me more because its dogs and not cats.... Sorry to all you cat ladies. 

I'm also learning that I don't know how to dress for the weather. Yesterday it was super gloomy and rainy and I wore the worst shoes and had nothing to keep me from getting wet. Today, I wore boots and had an umbrella ready thinking that it was supposed to be the same type of weather, but instead, it was hot(ish) and muggy. Learn to check the weather before you walk out the door, Grace. 

Also another thing that I'm starting to see is that the benefits of having a younger sister are starting to pay off. She's finally my size and my mom still buys her cute stuff. Meaning my mom buys me cute stuff. I kid, my sister is more than just another closet to me. Its just a nice perk to having a sister. 

*photo credit to elena potter

Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekly Wants

1. An adorable mint sweater (similar). 
2. Thin gold ring
3. The perfect chambray
4. The Brenda shoe. 
5. Some of my favorite colors for maxi skirts.
6. Jean shorts for summer. 

Sorry for the lack of blogging. Between not having anyone to take pictures of me and the crappy weather, it just has not been happening. But hopefully now that May is around the corner, maybe it'll finally start being spring around here. Anyways.... All these items are things that I have been eyeing up lately! It becomes a dangerous thing when you have time on the Internet. I literally catch myself adding items to my online shopping bags. Sadly, I rarely go through with the actual purchase. Hope you all had a good weekend! I'd love to know what you guys want to splurge on! 

Friday, April 19, 2013


Finally it's Friday! Does anyone else feel like this week has been abnormally long? 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Clutches and Girl Crushes.

 Dress: H&M  Jacket: Similar   Clutch: Target  Shoes: Target  Watch: Fossil

This look is inspired by one of my favorite bloggers (and girl crush), Kendi Everyday. If you haven't stumbled upon her blog before, then now is the time. Her style is so effortless and easy. But it's also very well put together and she never looks sloppy. Plus, she is so witty in her writing, she always makes me smile. 

I love this clutch! I saw it at Target and could not convince myself to leave without it. Unfortunately, I typically can't convince myself to walk away from much. What can I say, I'm weak willed when it comes to fashion. Go ahead, judge me. I have no shame. The fun part about this clutch is that it can also be turned into an iPad case. Not that I have one. But if I ever get one, I'll have this cute iPad case to cover it with. Always thinking ahead. 

P.S. It's almost the weekend! Holla!